Thrift Fashion

You often wonder if the clothes you are buying are original, well if it’s not from a showroom , it’s probably not. But you probably bought them from some nice clothing shop at a reasonable price right?. Or, you thought so? I say it is better to go thrifting.
Thrifting, which means to go shopping at a thrift store, garage store or flea market where you’ll find gently used items at discounted prices. Thrifted items have been loved by a previous owner, but are usually in good shape with enough life left to be useful to a new owner. This is great for people who love to experiment with their personal style, you just have to be able to distinguish between products and you may discover products at a much cheaper price.
The big difference between a thrift store and retail store is that the items for sale at a thrift store aren’t brand new, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t in good condition. Thrift shopping is a way of giving those items new life. Thrift stores are also full of vintage and off-season goods and it’s way fun to see what you might find than wearing that overpriced brand which you see everywhere.
So, why do people like to shop at thrift stores and are in love with thrift fashion ? Because it’s exciting, unique and cheap. The thrill of the hunt compels most people to shop at those thrift stores which include creative stuff too. All the more, you never know what you might find walking into a thrift store, one may be looking for clothes and leave with a pile of books or maybe a piece of art. It’s always an adventure to go thrifting.
The boons of thrifting range from developing a unique wardrobe to turning into a thrifting business. Finding genuine vintage items and exploring diverse styles may be your thing once you start thrifting.
It also hels you save money if you are in a tight budget, also some percentage of the amount may be going to charity. Whilst some enjoy the ambience of a mall there are people who don’t so it is also a great alternative for those kind. There is also a possibility of you finding a great gift for your loved ones.
Some tips you may want to keep in mind are-:
- Researching where you will find the things you need- this will save you time as many of these type of stores are clustered in an area and if you have already mapped out the important one’s for your need you will get more time to look around the store you actually visit.
- Resetting your mind before you leave the house- We have many pre- convieved notions because of the social world these days but you can find something unique if you go thrifting with an open mind.
- Browsing your own possesions first- It will give you a handsome idea of what you need and what you will be looking for. Also it maybe a good idea to take photos of what you have to find things that will match with those.
- Take a friend who’s keen- Having a partner is always enjoyable and if he/she’s equally or more into thrifting, you will have a more rewarding experience.
- Set a budget- You may often get carried away as these store are relatively cheap.
- Take cash- For your convinience it’s recommended to take cash as most of these stores do not accept/prefer online payment methods.
- Be patient- Obviously!! But it really is a case of right place, right time, as well as having a keen eye, but patience is what will turn your thrifting game from amateur’s luck to a seasoned pro.